Sorry for the distance between posts. Things have been pretty crazy. Let's get caught up. I've been at ESPN for a little over two months now, and I am starting to get some things figured out. Geoff and I started on March 17th, and Erin started the morning show in April. We've gotten good response from both, as well as for The Bottom Line with Sean and Chip from 2-4. We are just about to get some final word on our tower situation, and then we hope the station gets out to even more people. I think we have a good foundation to build on. Now we need to grow the thing into the monster we think it can be. Sponsors are starting to take notice, so keep spreading the word about 1530 ESPN Austin to anybody that asks.
The website has been awful for a while, but we are working on it. Our new lineup is finally posted (thanks AK) and many folks are listening at work. The other stuff will come in time, so please be patient. I will use this as my web outlet until the other site is up and running. So check here for what's happening on our show and on the
We'll be out at Merkaba Lounge tomorrow like we are every Friday (I35 and Wells Branch Parkway) Come say hi, get some free stuff, and register for cool prizes, like Merle Haggard tickets.
Finally, thanks again to everyone who has supported me and the station. Thanks to the Orangblood folks that have given me a chance, and to the Aggies and others that have given Geoff a fair shake. We are much further along than I thought we would be after only 2 months. Geoff's say anything personality reminds me of Brian Jones at times, and the energy he creates is great. He proves each day that he should have been given a show much sooner. His ideas and goals for the show will keep us growing for a long time, and I am just trying to live up to the standard. I hope in time I can bring as much to the show as he does. Above all else, I think it comes across that we respect each other and have a good time. A guy called us today and said he listens on his drive from Ft. Hood to Pflugerville. That's great to hear. We know there are many others out there like that. Thanks for letting The Drive into your life and giving 1530 a listen.
And if you listened to the blog talk radio show in the past, stay tuned. I'm putting together a show to show off the station and rant a little on my own. I'll have more details later.