I talked mainly football on the web show today, but I did want to make some comments on the Andy Pettitte story. If you missed it - Link - Andy says he only used HGH for 2 days in 2002 to recover from an injury. He says he then felt bad about it and stopped. Is Andy liked enough that we'll just believe him? Since there's no legal issue here, it may very well end right here. When people read that Barry Bonds testified he used the cream and the clear, didn't know they were steroids, then stopped because they didn't work, I don't feel like they believe him. But do you as John Q. baseball fan believe Pettitte? Let's say you believe Roger did. How are we to believe that Andy would train with them and not use the same stuff? Plus, do you buy this idea of using for recovery and not performance enhancement? That's a tough line, and I'm not sure where to draw it. But if you can get your mind around that line, and you convince yourself Andy was never on the wrong side, maybe you do believe him.
Other denials are coming out - Brenden Donnelly says he never used - Link
Alex Cabrera says he didn't do it - Link
Yeah, I bet that one has had you up nights.
The Orioles are just covering their ass - Link
And before you could ask A-Rod, Katie Couric did - Link
The Pettitte thing is tough. You want to believe him and Roger. Just like I want to believe Barry, even though I don't like the way he comes off sometimes. The difference with Barry is that the Balco raid got folders with drug schedules that can be logically connected to him. We have no such evidence with Roger or Andy. Until we do, all we have is their word and your beliefs.
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