All you can say is wow. This was a Super Bowl for the ages. It didn't have tons of points, but who cares. The largest lead was 4, the defenses were great, and the Giants just made a couple more plays. The Giants join the list of teams with 3 or more wins (SF,Dal,Pit,GB,Oak,Wash,& NE) and they will always be the team that beat one of the best we've ever seen. I've said it all season long watching college and pro football: Can you block people? It's that simple. The Giants pressure on Brady defined the game, and when he needed an extra second from his O line, Eli got it. And how about David Tyree? That escape by Manning and the catch by Tyree will be talked about forever. You just felt like it was their night when he caught that ball.
So congrats to the Giants for the win, and to the Pats for almost pulling off perfection. And to the '72 Dolphins for still being the only undefeated team. You deserve credit. We're just tired of hearing you give it to yourself all the time.
The web show is at 11 am central on Monday. I bet I hear from the folks in NY after the big win. Click on the link to the right, or go to www.blogtalkradio.com/chadhastings
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