So today was the day. It was Roger's day to make us all believe that he did not take steroids or HGH. I don't think he did that at all. Yes it is hard to disprove a negative, but the Pettitte stuff, the Mitchell Report stuff, and the new story about the former nanny do not paint Roger in a good light. One of the Congressmen said Roger was his hero, but he was hard to believe. I think a lot of people will be in that camp.
As far as McNamee goes, we know he lied over the last few years. He got hammered today for that a couple times. And not admitting he was a drug dealer was just stupid. But always keep in mind that when he started naming names, the names have backed up his story...except for Roger. If he's lying about Roger, why isn't he getting prosecuted? Are that many people out to get Roger?
And how about the end when Clemens has to be gaveled down and told that was not his time to argue? I was just never comfortable with Roger's answers to the Pettitte questions. He seemed unsure about most of that. The whole thing with his wife getting HGH and he didn't know about it was just odd. And having the Mitchell Report guy there did serve a purpose (other than separating Clemens and McNamee). He painted a clear picture of how they attempted to contact players. Either multiple people screwed Roger over by not telling him, or he's lying about it. Either way, I just find it hard to believe that the biggest name in the report had no idea what was in it, and that the people that made the report didn't do all they could to speak to that biggest name.
Bottom line, I wish Pettitte had been there. Most don't consider him a liar, and Roger would have been forced to answer even more questions about Andy's assertions than he was. Now we wait for the physical evidence and if it can connect Roger to roids. Plus, will investigators go after Roger at all?
I really want to get into the depositions and see all of what Pettitte and Knoblauch had to say. To read any of the testimony or depositions from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform web site , click HERE
For a story on today's hearing, click HERE
I agree! Why aren't more people making a big deal out of the fact that McNamee is a DRUG DEALER. How is this getting lost? Are they investigating where he got the drugs from? If Congress was really worried about saving the children (because it's all about the kids), then shouldn't they be looking for the people who gave McNamee all of these steroids and drugs? Do they think Roger was handing out syringes while he was signing autographs?!?
Back in '92, I guess, I attended my first UT Alumni Game at Disch-Falk. As I recall, it was a cold, misty day in February, but fans (including me) braved the weather to see the likes of Roger Clemens return and play against Coach Gus's squad, including Kieschnick, Calvin Murray, Steven Larkin, etc.
Clemens pulled up to the "back door" of the Disch in a limo, lumbered out to the mound, threw a heater behind the head of the first kid he faced, finished his inning, then stormed right back to his limo and left, ignoring every 5 year-old kid begging for his autograph, or at least some form of acknowledgment from this icon of Texas baseball, but there was nothing.
From that moment, I understood that Roger Clemens is all about himself. Nothing has changed my mind with the Congressional hearing.
You can understand someone lying to cover up wrong that they've done (McNamee and Pettite, for example), but why on EARTH would these people make up such stories about Clemens?
His ego is unreal. I don't care if he gets into the Hall or not. I think he's an extremely talented jackass. That's the extent of my opinion about Roger Clemens.
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